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As The Seasons Shift ...

As the seasons shift and we begin to spend more time indoors than out, you may want to fill your surroundings with items that make you feel good and bring joy.

There is nothing, my little one loves, more than curling under her blanket with a cuddly plush toy at this cozy time of year.

I believe and do my best to do what I can to sustain the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle using discards and scraps to create an artistic product and conserve natural resources, landfill space, and energy. Preserving energy is much in the season's spirit: according to ancient Chinese, winter is all about preservation. At the same time, it’s also a time of giving, compassion, and kindness.

Many cultures settled on December for their most cherished holidays, bringing warmth and light to a point on the calendar that is cold and dark in much of the world.

You may find OOAK soft toys

from fabric remnants...

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Among these multicultural celebrations of culture, tradition, family, the community both religious and non-religious, there are Christmas, Hanukkah, Japanese Omisoka, African American Kwanzaa, Asian Dongzhi Festival, and more... Each one of these holidays presents us with an opportunity of exchanging gifts.

Most winter holidays are linked in some way to the winter solstice - the day of the sun's rebirth from growing darkness into growing light - and the start of the new year.

It is time for renewal and purification, time to get rid of unnecessary things.

please do think of those how can't afford it, please do make the effort to look for the closest shelter and feel the joy of giving others what they don’t have. plus it's a great thing to do with the kids. it gives them a sense of purpose and knowledge that they matter.


Oh and we offer comfy, timeless, festive clothes options for your beloved ones...... Take me there...

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